--Cue Lost flashback noise--
So quickly does two weeks fly. Ellvin Kelvin and Amazing Grace came to town and my oh my, lots happened.
When they came back, we threw a party at our house. We had Hawaiian food, tofu, and veggies. And for dessert, fudgecicles! And oh all the Rock Band we played that night. I think they really enjoyed it.
The next few days, the happy couple did their own thing while Timotei and I went to work. But Friday morning brought about our trip to Mammoth for some snowboarding.
As I mentioned last time, this was my first time snowboarding since my embarrassing snowboard incident that everyone knows about. What's that? I've never actually blogged about that incident? Let's make this quick:
It was back in 2002; winter break when I was still in college. Last documented in my "The Mammoth Prophecies" Route, I attempted to snowboard because everyone was doing it. So I was thrown up on the mountain and told to stay on my heels and I'm good. Well, I wasn't good. Ski lifts were a bitch to get off of and I was falling on my knees and face every seven seconds. Having had enough during a blue intermediate run and able to see the end just out of reach, I unbounded my feet and trekked down the mountain. Even though the walk was a lot longer than I had anticipated, it was still less painful than if I had attempted to falling leaf it down.

So I was never able to live that down and I never wanted to hit the slopes again. But one week ago, I was given the opportunity to prove myself. But I was going to do it right this time. Amazing Grace and I took a three hour adult snowboarding class. I wanted to know if it was just me sucking at another sport or something else.
Lo-and-behold I caught on! It was tough at first, and throughout the day I still fell flat on my face, ass, and knees, but at the attempt to carve! I was carving down the mountain (in short bursts, but carving none the less). Snowboarding was great and I want to go every season now.
The second big event was Disneyland the very next day after we got back from Mammoth. K-mart and Erico Suave got us into the parks. The thing that sucks about going in the off-season is the illusion that the parks are bare ass empty. While the parks do have less crowds, the parks also hire less workers for the rides. So ride capacity was down which created lines for some rides that never have lines (not even in the summer). I'm looking at you Star Tours and Tower of Terror!
We ended the night with Fantasmic! with kick-ass seats thanks to Lethal Lisa and Mother Routes saving space for us. It was exhausting going through both Disneyland and Disney's California Adventure in 10 hours, but we did just about everything we wanted to do. It was just hectic as hell.
Oh and by the way, Ellvin Kelvin proposed to Amazing Grace. But you will have to wait till next time to hear about that!
Did she or didn't she???