Call me EcstaticBoy. I can't hardly wait till November 5th comes along fore The Incredibles will be seen by me! I've been good about spoilers, ya know. I bought the Art of book and it's still sitting on my shelf waiting for November 6th to be read. I also haven't been watching the trailers or reading any spoilerific reviews.
At The Incredibles website, you can go through "superhero training" and take a test and they will classify your super power and give you an alias. Here's mine:
Hyper Monkey isn't exactly a name that fits my personality well. I'm more of a skunk because my ass stinks. But agility is my forte. Yup, I'm up there with my pal Pikachu in quickness and speed and zoomniness!
As some of you may know, I have tickets to the midnight showing of The Incredibles at the El Capitan in Hollywood. Herein lies a problem. I just received word that I'll be working through November. The movie is just shy of two hours long. That means, I'll probably get home from the movie at 3am at the earliest! I usually get up for work at 5:30am!!! I am so screwed at work on November 5th!
I need an iPod Photo.
Consequence and Frozone catch a glow, uh oh, no, no, don't go,