After nearly five months of advanced planning, it came to one short night in Hollywood to see Wicked. Of course, the day started off with work as usual, but being a short Friday helped ease the sluggishness.
After work, Mother Routes, Timotei, and I went straight to Universal City via the Metro Red Line subway. We browsed through some stores where Timotei bought a bling blingy Fossil brand watch. He had been eager to make an "all-for-me" purchase for a while now that he's got money.
Not too long after, we started to get hungry and decided to eat at Gladstone's. I had heard much about the place, but nothing specific. All I really knew was that they shape your leftovers into a foil swan. We ordered pretty big. I had the halibat. Timotei had the Mahi Mahi. Mother Routes had a hot seafood sampler with all the fried everything you could eat. It was a nice time and all, but when our waiter returned with our boxed leftovers, there was no swan to be found. I was disappointed. That blunder shaved off 10% from the tip.

Dining at Gladstones on Universal CityWalk.
After CityWalk, we headed to Hollywood and Highland and bought some stuff at American Eagle Outfitters. I bought a new shirt that was perfectly appropriate for the show. It looks just like another shirt I have (from the same store), but it was only $12 so I didn't care.
Then it was finally time to get down to the theater, coincidentally right when everyone else in our party was showing up. Most of them hadn't eaten yet, so we shared our seafood leftovers. But I guess that wasn't good enough because a lot of folks went to a nearby cart to eat some hot dogs. Here's a montage:

Eat fast. Chew later.
And then we took some pictures and went inside. The show itself was pretty good. Not the best cast as some of the singing was off, but great performances from the Wizard and Morrible. They really stood out. Also of note, at intermission, MacArthur alerted me to the fact that the original Glinda from the New York production was in the audience. After much delay, Cat and I went up to her and chatted for a bit. Apparently it was her first time actually seeing the show. She signed our programs and we quickly got out of her hair. She was really sweet and damn hot!
And that was that. My own personal Summer Du Joy trudges along without much fanfare. Next week sees MacArthur's Charlie and the Chocolate Factory birthday party, as well as the brand spankingest new Harry Potter book: Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince. I can't wait to get my eyes in that!
Oh, and congrats to me! This entry marks my 200th blog. Looks like I'm averaging 100 posts per year.
Lightning bolt scar tingling,