Little Girl, Big Dump
Just a really quick story. I left work early today for a dentist appointment. I had to go directly from the train station, so when I arrived, I had to take a leak. The receptionist pointed me toward the bathroom, but it was occupado. So I waited. Four minutes later, a tiny asian girlie came out of the room. She had to have been around Chello Bellow's age.
I walked into the bathroom and OH DEAR LORD IT REEKED TO THE HOLIEST OF UNHOLY HELL! This girl must have had the nastiest diarrhea (more on how I know it was diarrhea later). When I shut the door, I had to take deep breaths into my shirt, but the smell was so bad, it wafted right through the fibers. I lifted the toilet seat to tinkle and on the bottom of the seat, WAS THIS HUGE DROPLET OF LIQUID BROWN!!! Oh my landlord, it was horrible. I took the quickest piss and ran out of there.
Then I proceeded to text Timotei about my encounter and endured the dentist.
Little girls need to cut down on the prunes. I know they're delicious and all, but really. Really.