Erico Suave texted me that this morning at 6am and I just thought it was completely awesome. I had to steal it. : )
So that's it. Today I am twentysix years old. Twentysix. That's like starting a new quarter century. And that sucks.
But it was a pretty good day. I went to a very good restaurant for lunch with a bunch of co-workers (L'Angolo Café) and then almost immediately had my department birthday party with a carrot cake from Porto's. That's a very well known, very fancy and expensive bakery in Glendale. Honestly, when I requested carrot cake, I was expecting Ralph's or Vons. I certainly did not expect, nor really feel I deserved, Porto's! That's stuff our Vice President gets on his birthday.
And now back to my birthday, I gotta publically thank Angel Wing Jasmine for her lovely gifts: a Dean Koontz book (Watchers), the 2008 Futurama wall calendar, a Wii Points card (with which I've already purchased Super Metroid), and SSX Blur for the Wii. I love me some gifts!
And now since I brought up the Wii, you may be interested to know that I'm trying desperately to finish Resident Evil 4 quickly by next Tuesday before Metroid Prime 3: Corruption comes out.
God I love me some games.
Whoa whoa whoa whoa yah yeh ya ya yeh yeh yeh ya yah yeh yeh yeh ya yeh yeh,