Crystal Brawler
There's been a lot of funeral planning going on these past two weeks, getting things perfect on the perfect day (based on Chinese calendar and tradition). I used my awesome Photoshopping skillz to create a fitting portrait of Granny M and helped write her mini-bio. March 10 is the wake and March 11 the service and burial and reception. Apparently according to tradition, we are supposed to wear a brand new shirt (that's not black) to the reception. It's supposed to signify moving forward. Any excuse to spend money on new clothes is fine by me.
So I went to Macy's but found nothing but a really awesome solid black tie. Then went to Express For Men. I had never bought anything from them before, but saw that they were having a sort of shirt sale. There was a wall of fitted or modern fit shirts, each priced at $60. But if you buy two, each is only $40. And if you buy three, each becomes only $30. Well, originally I did not like any of the shirts I tried on. But passing a different table, I found a white striped shirt that looked awesome! And then the dressing room attendant suggested other shirts for me and the guy had good taste because I ended up getting four shirts. But it's okay because now I have a new Express credit card.
But even sooner is the long-awaited launch of Super Smash Bros. Brawl. I've got my pre-order down, but I'm afraid I won't be able to get it at midnight tomorrow. Well, it don't matter. I'll still get my Brawl on on Sunday morning. Come by and challenge me. I promise not to Pika-spam.
Ellvin Kelvin will be back Sunday evening and he'll be hanging with us for the week. I'm hoping to take some time off to tear up the town with him.
I hope to buy a kick ass super fitted suit next Wednesday.
I need LASIK.
Pika! Lightning!!!