Monday, April 14, 2008

New House Smell

I want jya'll to look at this:

¡Mamma Frijoles! Kin joo belieb it? The house is done! ¡A la casa sé terminología, te voy! Well, I can't believe it myself. It seems like only yesterday we started, but soon we'll put away our books and pens. In maybe two weeks time, we'll be out of this house that I've called home for 26 years. This is a huge change! ¡Cambio! It's good though. Time enough at last.

I have no pictures. I have video footage, but I won't be throwing anything together for the site. What will be happening is a lot of work in the next coupla weekends to make the place livable. That'll be something that I cover.

Till then though, I'm just pissed that NBC ain't plugging Scrubs. But what else is new, ay?

Building towards a beautiful mañana,
