Hard Work Ahead
And we thought the hard part was over.
We just spent the entire weekend working on the new house. But if you think we got a ton of things accomplished... think again. We took three days to seal the tile. And even so, we didn't finish. It's an arduous chore to spread the glue-like sealer in the grout and on the tile. It sucks!
But we'll get that done this Saturday, while at the same time prepping for paint! I finally settled on paint colors and I'm extremely excited to see how it turns out. I stayed pretty neutral with more muted greens and blues. We'll see how it goes. This Saturday, we have family coming down to help paint. And I guess we'll get pizza or something. Should be fun.
Speaking of fun, I am getting my eyes laser beamed! At last, I will be shedding my heavy coke-bottle glasses and suffocating contact lenses and getting my eyes reshaped PRK-style. A second opinion recommended that I do NOT do the flap procedure. That's fine by me. That is the part of the procedure that I am most afeared of.
So, by the end of the month, the plan is to have corrected vision. I hope everything goes swimmingly.
Keep you posted,