And we have internet! So crazy right?
Not really but more importantly, we had an amazingly fun trip to the beach on the fourth of July and then a huge family house party at our new house the following day! Of course the real reason for the party was my 5th anniversary of my blog! Serious! I've turned the big five! But anyway, I'm pleased to announce that the party was a huge success, despite rooms being too hot, people sweating, and not having much furniture. But I was reminded why we got this big house in the first place... because we wanted a place for all our family to kick back and enjoy. And after the party on Saturday, I'm convinced this is the perfect size house now.
I have pictures... many pictures from the beach and also some from the party, but alas I have no way to transferring them off my digicam. This one's from one of my talented photography loving uncles:
More photos to come, but good times are coming fast. This weekend sees Cat's graduation partypalooza. And then in less than a month, AAAAHLASKA BABY!!! I CAN NNOOTT WAIT!
Wall•E rules,