I've decided that this will be a photo essay. So please enjoy!
Standing on the top of the world... well, the Space Needle isn't actually THAT tall.
We got free champagne for the disembarkation. I hate any sort of alcohol I have to sip, so I downed it.
The wind was so strong on the top deck. Agents K and J lean out and let it hold them up.
Formal night!
We canoed on our stop over in Juneau to...
...the Mendenhall Glacier!
In Skagway (or as the locals spell it "Skaguay"), Ellvin Kelvin, Amazing Grace, and I went for a 5 mile ride through a rainforest. We saw a Grizzly!
In Skagway, there is a small pink store called Sugar Mama's with, and I'm not exaggerating, THE GREATEST BESTEST BOMBEST CUPCAKES IN THE GODDAMN WORLD!!!!!!
With me mammy and pappy at the butt of the ship.
Jumping for joy over wise ice in Glacier Bay!
A big group of us went ziplining in Ketchikan! Here I am traversing one of three suspension bridges!
Is this racist, what we're doing here?
We hit the town... in blue!
Cat, Amazing Grace, and M.E.G. showcase the food chain. The helpless moose falls prey to the smiling wolf who in turn gets eaten by the brutal black bear.
Mi familia in frente de a tree in Victoria, Canada, B.C.
Jumping for joy over tea and crumpets at The Empress Hotel. Empressive air!
Dining on the Veranda. Bison burger... so good!
Free Willy... or Shamu... or Keiko... or whatever the hell this one's called. Get the hell outta here orca.
OK, you'll want to zoom in on this photo. On the day before our flight, a co-worker and I were randomly Googling our names. I found that www.RichardMar.com exists and is owned by a hair styling school based out of Victoria! I could not believe it. I was fated to visit. I took down the address, but forgot it at work. While in Victoria, we were just about ready to head back to the ship when we ran into Lee Leman and Cousin Spacey and they asked if I had ever heard of the Richard Mar Advanced School of Hairstyling and Esthetics. I shat my pants, couldn't believe I forgot, was told that it was only 4 or so blocks away, and with R-Man, ran there. Too bad they were closed. Maybe they could have botched a haircut for me or else I could have taught them a thing or two about esthetics.
So to conclude, the cruise was really fun. We can't wait till the next one. Peace out!
Short and sweet, just like this entry,