Anyway, he rocks and rocked. Here's our picture with him so I can brag and say I knew him when.
Okay, now on to the matter at hand. Christmas felt like a rip this year. I'm not complaining about dwindling present quantity or anything. I'm talking about quality family time. Because I had to work on Christmas Eve, the day felt shorter of course. But everyone was late because of traffic. And the fact that time flies when we play Rock Band, Christmas felt very short and uneventful. But we still got to see just about everyone, which was nice. Unfortunately, this was Ellvin Kelvin's first Christmas away from the family. He opted to skip Christmas in lue of a longer stay in late January with Amazing Grace. That should be a ton of fun.
And since I've been running behind with all these blogs, I might as well mention here that we had a crazy UFC fight / Rock Band all-nighter party. I didn't enjoy a filthy house afterward, but it was generally fun.
Wondering if this could have been a more boring blog entry,