Actually I'd been meaning to update it, but the thought of uploading pictures from my birthday party and stuff, and the time it takes to do all that, I just. I can't. I didn't.
But here's a little rundown of my last 365 days (367 days to be exact)..
- May 18, 2014 - Greg and I took Jena on a trip to San Diego for her birthday where we went to a dog park and did lots of dog related fun stuff.
- May 29 - Jose threw a grand Palm Springs house pool party weekend for his birthday. I made ribs and everyone loved them. And I also made an Olaf-in-a-jacuzzi Kit Kat cake.
- I did some soul searching on my quest to find out what I wanted to do with my life, career-wise. I spoke with an animator, but it didn't seem like that was the right course. I inquired about being a cook, but culinary school was ridonk.
- As I pondered my next path, a friend from middle school showed up on my Instagram feed with an opportunity to join her wedding planning workshop. I'd always been good at planning events, so this seemed like a sign. It was expensive, but I decided to go for it. I did the workshop and was able to join her team helping with weddings around Los Angeles. Learned a lot.
- Lots of birthday prep during my unemployment. I was able to do endless decorations, hand drawn and painted, for my Club 33 Disney Celebration. It was by far my most ambitious and most amazing party yet. I'll post pictures in my next entry.
- August 4 - Had reached out to an old manager at Transamerica and a month later received a phone call asking if I would be interested in doing contract work for 2 months. With my unemployment benefits drying up, I jumped at the chance. It was to be software testing for a system I knew well. An interview was set up for this day and I impressed the manager with my knowledge of the product and the software and was offered the contractor gig on the spot. I started the job on August 18, the weekend after my birthday party.
- Brainstorming commenced for a business. I decided to pursue a partnership with Nichole, my creative partner in crime. Together we launched FĂȘte Together, but slowly set things up.
- Became closer to my friend Fernando! After realizing we worked really close to each other in downtown, we decided to grab happy hour drinks.
- Late October through Early November - Went to EUROPE for the first time! We visited Switzerland, Germany, and a side trip to Salzburg. Pictures to come in an upcoming post.
- November 15 and 22 - Drove down to San Diego to see The Hunchback of Notre Dame musical; a musical I'd been waiting more than 10 years for! It was worth the wait!
- Became closer friends with people at the gym. Starting out with this guy Dani, I started to open up to my fellow gym buddies. I guess it was eventual since I saw these same people each and every morning.
- Spent some time with my nieces on their two visits. Peytan is ever the ball of energy always wanting to build donut castles so she can tear them down. Tanley lights up whenever I walk into the room.
- January 25, 2015 - Celebrated my second anniversary with Greg, again in Santa Monica. We went to One Pico for a romantic beachside seafood dinner. Everything was great until I started to break out in hives from something at dinner. Rushed into a Whole Foods looking for Benedryl, but they only had holistic bullshit. 7-11 had what I needed. The swelling subsided, but ended our night.
- Been hanging out with some new friends: Raul, Jason, and Jeremy. Love these guys.
- March 11 - Ran a personal best at the 4th Annual Hollywood Half Marathon. 2:19. No training, but had been doing more leg weight training. It helped. Kept my legacy status.
And that about does it! This blog stuff isn't hard! See you next year!
Jay Kay! Jay Kay!