Monday, January 15, 2007

Forward Motion

A new year and a new toy.

After months of wanting and research for a digital video camcorder, I tossed out everything I learned and bought one of them sons of guns. For the longest time I had been looking at a Panasonic camcorder. The main features I was looking for were widescreen recording, firewire output, and analog to digital output. The Panasonic ones always stood out to me, but only the higher end one had the analog/digital pass through.

With the upcoming trip to Florida, I decided to just buy one already. So at Best Buy today, I saw one that looked good, had a good build, and wasn't too expensive. So after months of researching the Panasonic cam, I suddenly felt that it wasn't such a nice camera. This one from Canon, the Elura 100, just popped out at me. Plus, it had widescreen recording and firewire. I went home to do some quick research and found that it also had the analog thingy. It was meant to be. With a Best Buy coupon, I got the price down to $350 and now it is in my possession! I hope I don't get too much buyer's remorse. After all, it is last year's model.

But anyway, this means that I'll have some nifty videos to spice up this here blog (thanks to YouTube)! It's the natural progression of things... Text > Pictures > Video > Killer Robots

